Web design

Webdesigns at your palm! We make it easier​!

Our Services


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Full Website​

Your website will have all the necessary components to function properly. When you work with us we design a perfect layout for your business needs. It will contain a minimum of 5 pages and a maximum of 10. For example:

  • Homepage,
  • About page
  • Contact page
  • Service page
  • Products page
  • (Optionals: Blog page, Privacy policy page, Terms of service page, Testimonials or reviews page, FAQ page, 404 page)

Redesign Website​

With this service we will perform a "hands on" redesign of your current website to ensure your brand's success

Landing Pages

This type of page will give your potencial customers and clients a brief information of your business.

Landing pages do not have navigation (menu).

However, landing pages serve a specific purpose, either to inform all services or a promotion of an advertising campaign.